Day one: Coronavirus isolation

Today, for us, in Genoa, is the day one. Yesterday I went at church, in San Rocco, and I jocked with the priest about Coronavirus, he said: “Be quiet, we have our corona” and he showed the rosary crown. We laughed, he was a fanny priest from Bergamo. We knew that Lombardia has a big problem, people from Lodi have to stay at home because they have some people with Coronavirus.

My cousin called me, she is from Bergamo, near Milano, and told me that she can’t find coronavirus mask; I tried to buy someone for her but, also in Genoa, there aren’t more.

People, when they want, are really quikly to find what they think is important for life.

I called her: “I didn’t find mask”.

She said: “Don’t warrie, I look Amazon…oh, shit! They are so expensives!”.

“Yeah, it’s true: it’s speculation.”

So I went at home and I thought: “It’s Salvini nemesis: now Italian people are not the first but the last!”

Yesterday evening everything changed quikly: in Liguria every school must be closed. I can’t believe it.

The order start to 00.00 of 24 February, so there is a big problem! Nobody thing to stop the Lega dinner in Genoa, why? 1,500 people for him and nobody think to Coronavirus!

Today I feel myself strange: I used to have my coffee at 7.20 am, to run for the train, to write poems by my mobil, to explain Dante: I was near to speak about Ulisse and tell: “Fatti non foste a viver come bruti”. But now, nothing.

The schools are closed but sport clubs are open. Really, why should we close them? In January and February there is every championschip: football, rugby, dance, swimming. In January and February, who is a mother or father, say all the spots hall and the Coronavirus was already in Italy.

Them my family with other family will wait and will study every symptom.

However it ‘s good to live between our walls, we have some space for us: we speak, we cook, we play together.

Today we made ragù and lasagne, we went to our sports but maybe tomorrow every phisical activities will be prohibited, we don’t know.

Sorry for my english,


Rosa J. Pintus

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